Catalogues and Specifications Reference Manual

Manipulating the Catalogue Database using PARAGON : Using Parameters
The values assigned to parameters, the uses to which they are put, and the number of parameters used, are arbitrary, depending only on the skill and experience of the user, except in the special case of a Piping Component which represents implied tubing (GTYPE attribute set to TUBE) and which has no Geomset. In this case, component parameter 2 must be the outside diameter. If the tube is to be insulated, insulation parameter 1 must be twice the thickness of the insulation.
on the use of Insulation Parameters: Insulation parameters may be used in two ways. They may be used in an additive manner to increase the diameter or length of a primitive or, if there is a significant change in the geometry from the uninsulated to the insulated form, they may be used to define a new primitive. Where there is no insulation, the insulation parameters will be zero, yielding a primitive of zero diameter (but probably non-zero length).

1974 to current year. AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.