Catalogues and Specifications Reference Manual

Manipulating the Catalogue Database using PARAGON : Creating Catalogues, Sections and Catalogue Components
Catalogues and Sections are created using the NEW command. You would normally also specify names by which you can recognise and refer to the elements created. For example:
The attributes of the Component (see Catalogue Components) are set simply by following the attribute with the word, name or value(s) to be assigned to it. For example:
You can only use the PARAM[number] syntax to change the value of a parameter which has already been set.
This facility allows component parameter definitions to be ‘edited’. (Caution: If you delete a COMP which is referred to by a SPCO - via the CATREF attribute of a design component - this reference will be lost.). The use of component parameters and the other classes of parameter is discussed and illustrated in the next section.
If you give a PARAM command with, say, four values as a single command line, PARAGON sets the values of the first four component parameters and deletes all the rest.

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