Catalogues and Specifications
Reference Manual
Catalogue Database Structure
: Component Parts
Component Parts
The GPART element allows catalogue components to be fully defined in one place and without the need for specifications, and these can be used by all disciplines.
The GPART element has the same standard attributes as a SPCO, including CATREF, DETREF, MATXT, CMPREF and BLTREF, along with other attributes specific to the Part. It is also possible to add any number of user defined properties to each individual Part.
Parts can be added to the Selection Tables for selecting Parts in the design module, and these can be used for all disciplines except piping.
For the piping discipline it is possible to add Parts to Piping Specifications in the same way as SPCO’s.
It is possible to select Parts in the design model directly from the catalogue, using filtered searches.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.