Design parameters allow any component with an SPREF to use values from the design element which refers to it (via the SPREF). For example, the DES PARAM 4 of a Component is the fourth value in the Design Parameter Array of the design element. Design parameters can be used anywhere that component parameters can be used.
Design attached parameters and
design owning parameters allow a Joint or Fitting Component to use values from the design elements which represent its attached and owning Sections. (Attached and owning sections are explained in
Structural Parameters.) For example, the DES OPARAM 1 of a Component is the first value in the Design Parameter Array of the design element of its owning Section. Design attached parameters can be used anywhere that attached parameters can be used. Similarly, design owning parameters in place of owning parameters.
Figure 4:3.: Table of Parameters and Components summarises how the various types of parameters may be used with the different classes of Component.