Catalogues and Specifications Reference Manual

Catalogue Database Structure : Catalogue (CATA)
DESC - a text description of the catalogue.
PURP - an AVEVA E3D™ word showing the specific purpose for which that catalogue is intended. This should be set to the same word as the Specification with which it is to be used; e.g. PIPE, FITT.
CSTA - the Catalogue standard.
A CATA can contain a number of Catalogue Sections. These are of two types: Piping Sections (SECT) and Structural Sections (STSEC). They are the principal administrative elements by which the Catalogue is divided and arranged. The Catalogue can also contain Text elements (TEXT) - see General Text Elements.
All elements referred to in a Specification (see Specification Constructor) must exist within a CATA hierarchy, although elements may exist within a CATA which are not referred to by a Specification.
Units, Connection Tables and Bolt Tables are described in Catalogue Database Elements Setup in PARAGON, the latter element type being described in more detail in the Command Reference Section. Specification World elements are detailed in Specification Constructor.

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