Catalogues and Specifications
Reference Manual
PROPCON Command Syntax Diagrams
: Syntax Diagrams
Syntax Diagrams
>---+--- <watt> -------- word ---.
| |
|--- DESCription --- text ---|
| |
|--- SREFerence ---- text ---|
| |
|--- PNAMe --------- text ---|
| |
|--- APPLication --- text ---|
| |
|--- RTYPe --------- text ---|
| |
|--- UNAMe --------- text ---|
| |
|--- STEXt --------- text ---|
| |
|--- FUNCtion ------ text ---|
| |
|--- DATe ---------- text ---|
| |
‘--- CTXT ---------- text ----+--->
>---+--- OWNer --------------.
| |
|--- TEMPerature --------|
| |
|--- PRESsure -----------|
| |
|--- DENSity ------------|
| |
|--- STREss -------------|
| |
|--- POISsons -----------|
| |
|--- EXPAnsion ----------|
| |
|--- YOUNgs -------------|
| |
|--- APROperty ----------|
| |
|--- BPROperty ----------|
| |
|--- CPROperty ----------|
| |
|--- RTEMperature -------|
| |
|--- RPREssure ----------|
| |
|--- WEFActor -----------|
| |
|--- WPREssure ----------|
| |
|--- WIFActor -----------|
| |
|--- IPREssure ----------|
| |
|--- RPREssure ----------|
| |
|--- PTEMperature -------|
| |
|--- TGRAdient ----------|
| |
|--- SHOCkload ----------|
| |
|--- OUTDiameter --------|
| |
|--- ACBOre -------------|
| |
|--- BTOLerance ---------|
| |
|--- WTOLerance ---------|
| |
|--- UWEIght ------------|
| |
|--- UIWEight -----------|
| |
|--- WDIAmeter ----------|
| |
|--- SHAPe --------------|
| |
|--- RINErtia -----------|
| |
|--- SIF ----------------|
| |
|--- PRFC ---------------|
| |
|--- SDTHickness --------|
| |
|--- CORAllowance -------|
| |
|--- EFACtor ------------|
| |
|--- DFLFactors ---------|
| |
|--- FORCe --------------|
| |
|--- MOMEnt -------------|
| |
|--- DISPlacement -------|
| |
|--- ROTAtion -----------|
| |
|--- DLIMit -------------|
| |
|--- RLIMit -------------|
| |
|--- FLIMit -------------|
| |
|--- MLIMit -------------|
| |
|--- DFFLexibility ------|
| |
|--- FCOEfficient -------|
| |
|--- CPULl --------------|
| |
|--- CASReference -------|
| |
|--- CATYpe -------------|
| |
|--- CTXT ---------------|
| |
|--- DMFLexibility ------|
| |
|--- RMFLexibility ------|
| |
|--- CPUTwist -----------|
| |
|--- RFLFactors ---------|
| |
|--- BFLExibility -------|
| |
|--- CWEIght ------------|
| |
|--- CIWEight -----------|
| |
‘--- PWAStage -----------+--->
>---+--- MATWorlds --------.
| |
|--- SOLIds -----------|
| |
|--- FLUIds -----------|
| |
|--- TDENsity ---------|
| |
|--- TDENsities -------|
| |
|--- TSTResses --------|
| |
|--- TPOIssons --------|
| |
|--- TEXPansions ------|
| |
|--- TYOungs ----------|
| |
|--- TAPRoperties -----|
| |
|--- TAPRoperty -------|
| |
|--- TBPRoperties -----|
| |
|--- TBPRoperty -------|
| |
|--- TCPRoperties -----|
| |
|--- TCPRoperty -------|
| |
|--- SDENsity ---------|
| |
|--- SDENsities -------|
| |
|--- SSTResses --------|
| |
|--- SPOIssons --------|
| |
|--- SEXPansions ------|
| |
|--- SYOUngs ----------|
| |
|--- SAPRoperty -------|
| |
|--- SAPRoperties -----|
| |
|--- SBPRoperty -------|
| |
|--- SBPRoperties -----|
| |
|--- SCPRoperty -------|
| |
|--- SCPRoperties -----|
| |
|--- CASWorlds --------|
| |
|--- CASEs ------------|
| |
|--- CMPWorlds --------|
| |
|--- CMPTypes ---------|
| |
|--- CMPData ----------|
| |
|--- CONWorlds --------|
| |
|--- CONTypes ---------|
| |
|--- CONStraints ------|
| |
|--- TCASes -----------|
| |
|--- RUNWorlds --------|
| |
|--- RUNdecks ---------|
| |
|--- CARDs ------------|
| |
|--- TEXts ------------|
| |
|--- CASTypes ---------|
| |
|--- TUBDatas ---------|
| |
‘--- GPWLds -----------+--->
>---+--- CTXT -------------.
| |
|--- <watt> -----------|
| |
|--- DESCription ------|
| |
|--- SREFerence -------|
| |
|--- PNAMe ------------|
| |
|--- APPLication ------|
| |
|--- RTYPe ------------|
| |
|--- UNAMe ------------|
| |
|--- STEXt ------------|
| |
|--- FUNCtion ---------|
| |
‘--- DATe -------------+--->
>----+--- PQUAlifier -----.
| |
‘--- MRKR -----------+--->
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.