All diagrams have abbreviated names. Such names are composed of lowercase letters enclosed in angled brackets, e.g. <expres>. These short names, which are used for cross-referencing purposes in the text and within other syntax diagrams, are supplemented by fuller descriptions where they are not self-explanatory.
Commands to be input from the Command Line are shown in a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters. In general, these commands can be abbreviated; the capital letters indicate the minimum permissible abbreviation.
This convention does not mean that the second part of the command must be typed in lowercase letters; commands may be entered in any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.
Points marked with a plus sign (+) are option junctions which allow you to input any one of the commands to the right of the junction. Thus
Points marked with an asterisk (*) are loop-back junctions. Command options following these may be repeated as required. Thus
/ | >---*--- name --+---> |