Catalogues and Specifications Reference Manual

SPECONMODE Error Messages
You have specified two CATREF pointers in a heading line. The second entry will be ignored, but should preferably be deleted.
The ditto symbol (+) means ‘repeat the corresponding entry in the preceding line’ and is therefore only valid in the second or subsequent lines of the table.
You have specified two DETAIL pointers in a heading line. The line will be ignored.
When adding a new SPCOM you must enter its TYPE (an AVEVA E3D™ noun) before its NAME. You may only use the reverse order when referring to an existing SPCOM (see Entering Tabular Data).
When using the COPY command, the SPEC into which the copy is transferred (name1 in Copying a Specification) must be empty. You cannot concatenate SPECs with the COPY command.
The REMOVE command applies only to the contents of a SPEC. Use REMOVE ALL to empty the SPEC of all contents or DELETE SPEC specname to eliminate the complete SPEC. (See Deleting or Removing a SPEC or SPCOM.)
The REMOVE command can only transfer SPCOMs to /*LIMBOSPEC. Only by re-entering an SPCOM under its existing name can it be transferred back from /*LIMBOSPEC into a user‑defined SPEC. (See Deleting or Removing a SPEC or SPCOM.)
You have specified two MATXT pointers in a heading line. The second entry will be ignored, but should preferably be deleted.
You have specified two CMPREF pointers in a heading line. The second entry will be ignored, but should preferably be deleted.
You have specified two BLTREF pointers in a heading line. The second entry will be ignored, but should preferably be deleted.
SPCON NAME name already exists
word is not valid as a GTYPE
See Applicability for examples of valid GTYPEs.
You have specified two TMPR pointers in a heading line. The second entry will be ignored, but should preferably be deleted.

1974 to current year. AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.