Catalogues and Specifications
Reference Manual
Manipulating the Catalogue Database using SPECONMODE
Outputting a Specification
: How Bores Are Output
How Bores Are Output
Although all pipe bores are stored in the AVEVA E3D™ databases in mm, they may be input and output in either metric or imperial units. The program converts from one set of units to the other by applying the factor 25.4 mm/inch.
AVEVA E3D™ holds tables of standard nominal bore pipe sizes and, unless specified otherwise, compares each actual bore against the values in the appropriate (metric or imperial) table. If the actual bore falls within a predefined tolerance of one of the nominal bores, it is assumed that the standard sized pipe is suitable and so that nominal bore is output.
You may specify whether component bores within the Specification data are to be output as actual or nominal sizes by using the command syntax
The default is BORES NOMINAL.
RADI and HEIG questions use the current Distance unit.
Nominal Pipe Size Tables
contains the tables used by AVEVA E3D™ to define metric and imperial pipe sizes.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.