Catalogues and Specifications Reference Manual

Manipulating the Catalogue Database using SPECONMODE : Editing an Existing Specification : Deleting or Removing a SPEC or SPCOM
If a SPEC or SPCOM is deleted, all aspects of it are eliminated from the Catalogue DB. If an existing design includes a component with an SPREF which points to the deleted data, any future access to the Design DB, say to produce a drawing, will result in an error since no matching SPCOM will be found.
If a SPEC or SPCOM is removed, the data held within it is transferred to a special archive Specification named /*LIMBOSPEC. The data still exists, so that references to it are still valid, but it no longer forms part of the original named SPEC. This facility is useful:
To delete individual SPCOM lines from a SPEC, use the command syntax
DELETE spcom1 spcom2 ...
where spcom1, spcom2 etc. identify the relevant SPCOMs. For example,
To delete a complete Specification, use the command syntax
where specname is the name of the SPEC. For example,
To delete all SPCOMs from a SPEC without deleting the SPEC itself, enter the command
To remove individual SPCOM lines from a SPEC, use the command syntax
REMove spcom1 spcom2 ...
where spcom1, spcom2 etc. identify the relevant SPCOMs.
To remove the entire contents of a SPEC, first use the OLD or SPEC command to access the specification, then enter the command
To reinstate a removed SPCOM, make sure that you are pointing to the correct current SPEC and then use the syntax for modifying an SPCOM, as defined in Deleting or Removing a SPEC or SPCOM, but incorporate the name of the SPCOM to be reinstated. The SPCOM will automatically be moved back from /*LIMBOSPEC into the original SPEC.

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