Cable Design
User Guide
Create Route Elements
: Pull Node
Pull Node
A pull node is a element that defines the position where the connection to the pull pit is made.
Use the functionality to create a pull node, a pull pit node element must exist below an PULLPIT element. The currently selected pull pit element is identified.
Pull Node Name
Enter a pull pit name, the pull pit name can be automatically generated using the autonaming icon to the right of the text field.
Enter a description attribute for the pull node element.
Enter a function attribute for the pull node element.
Enter a purpose attribute for the pull node element.
Position WRT Pull Pit
Explicitly position the pull node at E0, N0, U0 (default)
Use to position the pull node using an offset, default is 0mm.
Use to lock the coordinates.
Pick Position
Use to pick a position in the 3D view.
Choose a specification from the available list.
Connected Cable Way Branches
All connected cable way branches in the currently selected zone are displayed in the
Connected Cable Way Branches
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.