Cable Design User Guide

Cabletray Volume : Cable Tray List
The Cable Tray Volumes window lists the cable trays from the current zone and also displays the Head Connection and Tail Connection of each branch.
Refresh Grid and Track CE are common to both the Cable Tray List and Cableway Branch List tabs.
Click Refresh Grid to re-display either grid to reflect any changes made that are not updated automatically.
Displays a Save As window to navigate to a location and name the exported Excel file.
Auto - The bend radius for each BEND/ELBOW is automatically calculated and assigned to the corresponding POINTR element.
Manual - Enter a bend radius of all POINTR elements, select if it is applied to the inner circle or centreline radius along with the units of measure.
Use to reset all fields in Set Cableway Branch Att to the default values.
Use to select the new CWAY/CWBRANCH elements are to be stored.
When the association group exists a Confirm window is displayed, confirm the cableway volumes for the selected cabletray branches are to be created.

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