Cable Design User Guide

Create Cableway Material : Create Cable Tray Material Element
By default, the straight element is displayed, depending on the element selected dictates which window is displayed. For example the selection of the Reducer element results in the Create Reducer window being displayed. The input required varies depending upon the material, the information can be applied to the same processes that are used to create all types of cable tray material elements.
Use to position the origin of the material elements, select the required reference point or select Pick, a prompt to Pick on the segment which CTSTRA should be placed: is displayed. In both cases the Along Route (Zdis) field is automatically populated.
Select Pick Position, a prompt to Pick define position (Snap) Snap: is displayed to position the material element at the offset.
Select Align with gridline, a prompt to Pick Grid to define position: is displayed to align the picked point with a gridline.
Select Use Templates to use the selected template for the cable tray material element.
Allows options of Creation or Modification to be selected. After creating a material element, selecting the Modification button displays the corresponding Modify window.

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