Design Conventions
for Catalogues and Specifications
Set Hangers and Supports Conventions
: Support Joints Conventions
Support Joints Conventions
The following conventions for joint specifications must be followed to make sure that a correct specification is built. The application follows strict rules when building these specifications and reads the specification in a tabulated format. Description should be given at the correct level and any QUEStion or TANSwer must be input for the Joint Specification window in the Supports application to work correctly.
The default supports joint specification can be found at:
The respective joint catalogue can be found at:
It is not recommended to modify any of the data in these locations, instead they should be used as reference for creating separate custom supports joints specifications.
To create custom support joints, a new CATA and SPWL should be created in a writable user database. They should then be set up in the same way as Structural Joints are, but with the following conventions:
Catalogue Data (CATA):
The joint catalogue data should be created in the same way as structural joints.
Specification Data (SPWL):
The PURP attribute on the SPEC element set to SUJS. This will ensure that the joints are included on the Joint Specification window in the Supports which is displayed when the joint is modified from the Support Editor window.
If a joint is suitable for all derivatives of a steel profile type, a wildcard character can be used as the TANS. For example, if a joint is suitable for both TFI (Tapered Flange I-beam) and PFI (Parallel Flange I-beam) then the TANS can be set to *FI. Similarly, for channel sections TFC and PFC the TANS could be set to *FC.
In the joint specifications, joints that are suitable for connecting to civil elements (for example, WALL, FLOOR) are given the OTYP TANS of CON, the ATYPE TANS should be set to the gtype of the framework leg that the joint will be on, for example, ANGL or PFI. An example has been included in the catalogue, /E3D/SUPP-Ext_Joi/Con.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.