Design Conventions
for Catalogues and Specifications
Set Hangers and Supports Conventions
: Hanger Specifications
Hanger Specifications
In order for the CHOOSE command to function correctly, the first question in the hanger specification must be PBOR0.
The sample specification supplied uses the more descriptive TANS instead of the usual ANS, and this is recommended to make the configuration macro code more readable.
Because, by default, the system uses the CHOOSE command, it is safe to assume that some questions will be left unanswered at design time. The specification should be constructed taking this into consideration. For ease of use, the selectors STYP, TTYP and UTYP have been used, in that order, where multiple levels of selector are required.
It is important to set the DESC, PURP and :VISI attributes of the hanger specification. PURP and :VISI should be set to HANG and True, respectively.
Any Hangers & Supports specifications should reside in a SPWL with its PURP attribute set to HSUP.
1974 to current year.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.