Bocad Steel Interface

Bocad Steel Interface : Supplementary Information : Application Tools
For various reasons, the UDAs that are created to manage the ABSI data are normally hidden. If you wish to see them on a one-off basis in the main product you can use the function !!bocshowuda(). To inspect an element, identify and locate the element, type !!bocshowuda() in a command window and the ABSI UDAs listed are listed.
To modify their visibility more permanently in LEXICON use the function !!bocvisibleudas(). This has several arguments because this function also works on OpenSteel UDAs. ABSI UDAs have FAB as their prefix, OpenSteel UDAs have SDNF as their prefix.
!!bocvisibleudas( |FAB|, false, |FABEMARK| ), this would hide all ABSI UDAs except :FABEMARK.
The function to perform this task is !!bocuserphasesort. You needs to enter the command in the command window and identify the required element to be sorted.
!!bocuserphasesort ( ), this will produce a log file called absiphasesort.txt in C:\temp listing any comments.
The !source and !destination variables are database reference numbers of SITES. The merge process takes the members of the source SITE and relocates them into the destination SITE. The function does not work at a lower level than a SITE, although it could be modified easily.

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