Alternatively, click Summary to display read only configuration summary details.
Set Mode to Local if the source data is to be from a product installed on the same computer.
Select the Source database from the drop-down list. If the source is AVEVA Electrical, AVEVA Instrumentation or AVEVA P&ID, a Login button will appear. Click this and log in to the source system.
Enter the Display Name that will be used for this source list in the
Compare/Update window
Either click on Element Type and select the type of object in the source database or click on
Group and select one of the pre-defined source groups. Source groups will be available only in certain contexts such as Design Valves or Design Piping Specials where the group represents a combination of element types.
Select the Name Attribute that is to be used for name matching, and the
Unique Attribute that is to be used for internal ids.
In Element Type select the type of object in the target database.
Enter the Display Name that will be used in the Attribute Mapping screen.
Check Create Reverse Configuration to automatically create a configuration with source and target swapped (this option will be available only when both are Dabacon databases).
Click Add Mapping to add an empty attribute mapping row to the list. On the source side do one of the following:
Select to un check the Allow Update check box if the attribute is to be compared only and not updated.
If advanced rules are required for this configuration, select a Project Configuration File (this will usually be the default filename for the project, for example: for Sample project this would be %SAMDFLTS%\ModelManagement\ProjectConfiguration.xml). Then select a
Rule Set and check
Use Advanced Rules.
Select the Restrict the Configuration to Admin Users only check box, if you want to test this configuration before publishing it for general use on the project.
Select the Make this Configuration available standalone check box to allow end users to be able to run it when it is not part of a group of configurations.
An optional Owner Expression can be entered. This will be evaluated against the appropriate source object during the Update Database process to determine the owner for an inserted object.
Click Finish to complete and save the configuration.
Use the Manage Groups window to choose which groups of configurations are to be compared.
Select the Restrict this Group to Admin Users only check box to test it before making it available to the project.
To enable scope selection click to select the Apply scope selection for this group check box and select the appropriate
Scope Criteria from the drop down list
Users who are members of team CUADMIN can set up advanced rules by clicking Configuration Explorer. This displays the
Project Configuration Explorer shared with Schematic 3D Integrator. There you can configure more elaborate rules for element matching and updating, in particular key attribute mapping to match multiple pipes against schematic or engineering pipelines. An example set of rules using key attributes for engineering to design matching is included in the out of the box ProjectConfiguration.xml file. Refer to the
Schematic 3D Integrator User Guide section on How to Configure Rules.
The Edit menu provides
Paste and
Delete functions to move Link Worlds between databases. You can also drag and drop from one database to another to move or merge a Link World.
Use the Restrict link option to admin users functionality to control whether general users can change the
Update Engineering Database settings for linking, updating attributes, and unlinking. If the option is checked, these settings are disabled, so that end users must use the default settings for link and update, and are not able to unlink.