Schematic Model Manager
User Guide
View/Edit Attribute Mappings
Edit, Move and Delete Mapping Groups and Mappings
: Move Mapping Groups and Mappings
Move Mapping Groups and Mappings
Attribute mapping groups and attribute mappings can be moved (but not copied) from one attribute group or another, or between an attribute group and the top level Attribute Mapping node.
To move an attribute group or mapping, select it, and use the mouse to drag and drop it to the required location in the tree view.
Alternatively, right-click on the group or mapping and select the Cut option from the menu. Select the node in the hierarchy beneath which the group or mapping is to be placed, right-click, and select the Paste option from the menu. The group or mapping is then moved to the selected location. The Ctrl-X (cut) and Ctrl-V (paste) keyboard commands can also be used.
The top level Attribute Mapping node cannot be moved.
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