Schematic Model Manager User Guide

Schematic Model Manager Project Options : Import Configuration : View/Edit Import Destination SCGROUP Elements
If both an attribute mapping and the Import Destination Groups dialog have been used to specify the destination group for an element, then the attribute mapping will be applied.
To view or edit the groups into which diagrams, off-line equipment, equipment and pipelines are imported into, select the View/Edit option on the Import Configuration tab. The Import Destination Groups dialog is then displayed.
The Database field displays the name of the current Schematic database. To view/change the import destination groups of another database, select it from the drop-down list. The list consists of every Schematic database in the MDB.
The grid beneath the Database field lists the four element types and the names of the groups into which they are imported.
To select a different group for an element type, select the ... option at the end of the row. The Select Group dialog is then displayed:
Browse for the required group and select the OK option. Click Cancel to close the dialog without making any changes.
Click the OK option to close the Import Destination Groups dialog and save any changes that have been made. Click Cancel to close the dialog without saving changes.

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