Schematic Model Manager
User Guide
Appendix G: Configuration of Line Lists using Pseudo Attributes
: Example Rule: Component Rules - Butt Welded Piping Cap
Example Rule: Component Rules - Butt Welded Piping Cap
To illustrate the use of line list configuration rules, the following example will show how to conditionally populate the LLFROM and LLTO pseudo attributes with a substitution text string, which is applied based on a check of the component type at the termination of a pipeline.
The setup of the rule is displayed in the Rule Properties section of the dialog:
Each of the rule properties is explained below.
Rule Property
LLFrom and LLTo
The pseudo attributes this rule will populate
End Condition
Determines when this rule is applied - either when a branch is correctly terminated (as in this case), or when it is not correctly terminated, or always.
Item Types
The database element type that this rule applies to
Butt Welded Piping Cap
The name of this rule
PML Expression
'But Welded Piping Cap'
A PML expression used to derive the value which will be used to populate LLFRON/LLTO. In this example it is a simple text string describing the type of element which terminates a pipeline.
PML Expression Object
The element used to derive LLFROM/LLTO - either the terminating SCBRANCH or, as in this case, the first/last component.
Rule Filters
Multiple filters can be added - in this example one filter is present which limits the applicability of this rule to pipe terminations which have a component class value of PipingCap
Once configured, the line list related pseudo attributes will be populated each time they are queried.
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