PARENTMDB. The SCHE DB PIDDATA was created here. In this example, this DB is intended for use by AVEVA Schematic 3D Integrator, and for project reporting purposes. This will be the static Schematic database and can be viewed as an Issued schematic data repository. No direct imports or manual updates of schematic data will take place here. This is the issued schematic database. Data will only be propagated to this DB from the extract.
EXTRACTMDB - The DB PIDDATAEXTRACT was created and added to this MDB. This DB is an extract DB taken from DB PIDDATA. In this example, this DB is intended to be the main DB for importing and updating schematic data. Data may be examined here and any necessary data cleansing and editing tasks can be carried out. Additional schematic elements may be manually created; equipment can be imported from a CSV or MS Excel file. This is the working DB for schematic data.