Schematic Model Manager User Guide

Schematic Explorer : Element Hierarchy in the Explorer
STLNKS (may contain further STLNKS)
Element Types in italics cannot be imported into the database using Schematic Model Manager. However, they can be created using other methods such as the Create menu options (see below), or the command line, so they may appear in Explorer.
Schematic WORL *: The topmost level of the Schematic database hierarchy within which all other elements exist. Cannot be moved, renamed or deleted.
STLNKW : Status Link World.
STLNKS : Groups of Status Links.
STLNKS may contain other STLNKS, which in turn may contain STALNK elements or more STLNKS.
STALNK : Status Link.
SCGROU: Administrative elements containing groups of elements.
SCPLIN: Pipelines.
SCBRAN: Pipe branches.
TEXT: Text used to store information about the identity of items. This is provided for use by the system and should not be deleted or renamed by users.
SCSEG: Page/pipe segments.
SCTUB: Tubing.
SCVALV: Valves.
SCINST: Inline Instruments.
SCFITT: Inline Fittings.
SCOPCI: Off-page connection (in).
SCOPCO: Off-page connection (out).
SCPDES: Pipe destination.
SCDUCT: Ducting.
SCHVFI: HVAC fitting.
SCEQUI: Equipment.
SCSUBE: Sub-equipment.
SCNOZZ: Equipment nozzles.
SCELCO: Electrical connections.
SCOINS: Offline instruments.
SCMCAB: Schematic Multi-Cable.
SCCAB: Cables.
SCCORE: Cable cores.
SCDIAG: Diagram elements.
SCTEMP: Templates.
SCPAGE: Schematic page.
SCIND: Schematic index.
SCSTEN: Stencils.
SCLOOP: Schematic instrument loop.
SCILIN: Schematic instrument line.
SCACTU: Schematic actuator.

1974 to current year. AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.