The diagram (SCDIAG), line (
SCPLINE), branch (
SCBRANCH) and segment (
SCSEGMENT) on which the connections are located are displayed.
The Type fields displays the type of each connector, i.e. SCOPCO or SCOPCI.
The Match SCDIAG fields display the names of the diagrams that each connector connects to.
The Match attribute fields display the names of the source data attribute used to match the connectors to each other.
The Attribute match value fields display the values of the source data match attributes.
In other words, the Match SCDIAG of the source connector is the diagram that the target connector is located on and vice versa.
In other words the Match SCDIAG of the source connector is the diagram that the target connector is located on, but the
Match SCDIAG of the target connector is not the diagram that the source connector is located on, or vice versa.