The Highlighting options are used to specify the colour used to highlight elements when they are selected and when the mouse is hovered over them. These options are only applicable to imported diagrams.
The Tabs Layout option is used to specify whether the tabs on which the names of open diagrams are displayed are at the top or the bottom of Diagram Viewer window.
The Maximum size of Recent Diagrams list setting is used to specify the maximum number of diagrams that the list of recently opened diagrams can consist of. The list is accessed from the arrow on the right-hand side of the View Diagram toolbar option.
The Maximum number of Diagram Page tabs setting is used to specify the maximum number of diagram tabs that can be open at once in the Diagram Viewer, in other words the number of diagrams that can be open at the same time.
If the Set CE from diagram checkbox is checked, when an element is selected in the Diagram Viewer, that element is set as the current element. This setting is only applicable to imported diagrams.