Diagrams User Guide

Diagrams : Working with Diagrams : Importing/Exporting Drawings, Stencils and Templates
The Project Tab > Import And Export > Import function can be used to open Visio drawings which are not created through the Diagrams application and are therefore not represented by index elements in the database. Likewise, to export an existing drawing or to save a newly created Visio drawing to a file without creating an index element in the database, the export function can be used.
The Diagrams Import and Export functions are basically the same as the standard MS Visio Open and Save As functions, and also supports importing/exporting other formats, such as DXF etc. Please refer to the MS Visio documentation for further information on how these functions operate. For Export and Save As there might for instance be some differences in what kinds of information can be exported to different formats, as well as if the function will export the whole diagram or only the current page.
Please note that the Import Drawing function only opens a Visio drawing stored in the file system and does not import related data to the database. Please refer to the Getting Started chapter for how to migrate data from Tribon M3.

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