Diagrams User Guide

Diagrams : Working with Diagrams : Annotation : Shape Text
The Visio Shape Text field provides a default annotation that will be presented together with the shape in the diagram. The initial position of the shape text is automatically calculated by the application according to text placement settings provided in Diagrams Options and in Import Shape Wizard (for more information refer to Step 3: Annotation Style Settings in Chapter Getting Started). After a shape has been placed, the shape text can be selected and dragged by the mouse to another position.
The shape text can be turned on or off by right-clicking on a shape and selecting the Show Text command. This command can also be used after having selected several shapes.
By adding a "\n" escape sequence to the text annotation format.
By defining a linebreak character. This is done by assigning a value to the Linebreak delimiter setting in Diagrams Options.This requires that the attribute data values to be presented in the text contains such characters at suitable positions, which in essence means that these characters will be stored inside the text strings in the database. To enable this kind of linebreaks for a certain shape, the Linebreaks command in the right-click menu has to be checked.
For pipe tubes and HVAC ducts, there is a possibility to enable a mode where only the shape text for the first tube/duct in a branch (or rather segment) will be visible, while others will be invisible by default. This function can be enabled by setting the Show Text on first segment only default setting in Diagrams Options to True. However, depending on the sequence of operations when the branches and segments are built, some extra texts might be left in the middle of a segment. These can then be manually hidden by using the right click command.

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