Diagrams User Guide

Diagrams : Working with Diagrams : Refresh
The term ‘Refresh’ in Diagrams refers to a mechanism whereby the diagram document is kept up-to-date with changes done in the database. For example, if an update has been done to the database from the Command Line window, it is possible that annotation labels in the drawing or other windows showing drawing-based data such as Shape Data etc. needs to be updated accordingly.
Normally the necessary update happens automatically, but in some cases this will not occur, see note below. For this reason there is a manual Refresh command that can be used to get the diagram drawing in synch with the database data. The Refresh command will update the shape attributes, labels and annotations in the drawing from the related database elements.
The Refresh command works on the current selection, so it is possible to refresh a single selected shape, a group of shapes or the whole drawing. The whole drawing will be refreshed when no shapes are selected before choosing the Refresh command.
The Refresh command can be called from the Home Tab or from the Shape and Drawing right-click menus. Refresh will be carried out automatically for any changes on database elements that are directly related to shapes on open diagrams. For example, if you change an attribute on an equipment item in the database, and you have an open diagram containing a symbol representing this equipment item, the shape data attributes as well as related annotations for this symbol will be automatically updated.

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