Diagrams User Guide

Diagrams : Working with Diagrams : File Handling : Save Work and Save As
When the Save Work command is issued, the following actions will be performed:
The Save As command will provide the user with a possibility to save the drawing under a different name and with the option to duplicate all the presented data. In order to keep consistency between the database and drawings it is not possible to execute the Save As command on a drawing containing unsaved database related changes. In such a case the changes must first be saved and therefore the operation is cancelled with the following warning message.
After the Save As command has been executed and the drawing does not contain any database related changes, the name and location for a new drawing should be specified in the Save As dialog.
Figure 4:32.
Depending on the Copy DB items option, shown in the picture above, the new diagram can be saved in two different ways:
When the drawing has been successfully saved with Saved As, with a copy of the database data or not, the user is prompted to perform a Save Work.
If the Diagrams application is closed without the execution of Save Work the newly created copy of the drawing will not be saved between sessions.
It is not allowed to overwrite an existing diagram by performing a Save As and selecting the same name as an existing diagram. This is due to technical reasons and the way that diagram files are stored and referred from the DB proxy elements (SCDIAG). The workaround is to first delete the diagram to be overwritten before performing the Save As using the same name.

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