Diagrams User Guide

Diagrams : Working with Diagrams : Main GUI Components : Diagrams Rules : Executing Formatting Rules
As mentioned above, Formatting Rules can be executed from the Diagrams Rules toolbar. The important thing to be aware of is that Formatting Rules are applied in sequence and if one of them is specifying the same property, e.g. colour than the previous rule, then the previous value will be overwritten. It could be used to define a sequence of rules going from very general criteria to more specified conditions, but it is important to keep an appropriate rules order.
To turn on automatic executing, select the Apply on Events button. When this is checked the active rules with the Apply rule automatically on events option set are executed after different kinds of events. The events can be determined in Diagrams Options.
If the Zoom to option is on, then the zoom of the current page is adjusted to show all changed shapes.
Another option that can be set in Diagrams Options is the Message level. It specifies how detailed messages will appear in the Message Log during applying auto formatting rules. The setting can have the following values:
Message per applied format - information about each applied format is added to the Message Log as well as start and finish applying rules messages.

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