Diagrams User Guide

Diagrams : Working with Diagrams : Main GUI Components : Diagrams Rules : Additional Rule Options
Apply rule to protected members of grouped shapes – if the option is unchecked then any format defined in the rule will not be applied to group members protected from group formatting. It can be set by selecting Format > Protection and checking the appropriate option in the dialog opened by the command:
The option will be ignored and disabled for editing when Clear auto formatting is checked in the Format to be assigned tab.
Overwrite guarded Visio formulas – if the option is not checked then the format will not be applied if the corresponding cell in the shape sheet is guarded, e.g. line colour will not be applied to the shape if its ‘LineColor’ cell contains the formula’=GUARD(7)’.
Apply rule automatically on events (if enabled) – if the option is not checked then the rule will not be executed automatically even if ‘Auto apply rules’ is on, see also Executing Rules below.
Handling annotations – if a shape matches the rule, then this setting provides the possibility to decide if the format should be applied to the shape only, to the shape and its annotations (attached labels) or only for the shape’s annotations.

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