User Guide
Working with Diagrams
Main GUI Components
: Possibility to Sort Explorer Items by Name
Possibility to Sort Explorer Items by Name
It is possible to display database items sorted by name alphabetically. The sorting can be decided for each element type, so that items under a certain element type is sorted by name. For example, if choosing to sort under SCGROUP, all nodes below SCGROUP will be sorted in the explorer.
Nodes that are displaying its members sorted are indicated by an arrow;
It is possible to select several element types for sorting. Their names can be keyed in or selected from the
Select element types
window. This is available after clicking the
button in the options field.
The method of sorting elements is as follow;
Elements are sorted by the text visible in the explorer tree, that means that if type string is visible, it is taken into account while sorting. For example,:SCPUMP zzz will be placed before SCEQUI aaa. If the type string is off, then the items will be ordered differently.
Items are sorted alphanumerically.
Sorting is inherited when secondary explorer is created by selecting "New Explorer" command from item's context menu.
The sorting is done only for presentation in the Explorer and does not affect the order of the elements in the database.
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