Diagrams User Guide

Diagrams : Application Setup : Runtime Environment : Document Files, Sessions etc. : Working with Diagrams Options
There are two sections (each presented in a corresponding tab) of Diagrams Options: Diagrams Defaults, and Attribute Presentations.
Diagrams Defaults are specific for a particular version of AVEVA Diagrams. Any change from the default value of the Diagrams Defaults will trigger storing of these settings in a file. If no values have been loaded upon startup (no valid settings store found) the file will be stored in the first folder pointed by %PDMSDFLTS% in it's subfolder Diagrams as a file in xml format. If a valid store file was found and loaded on application startup, then this file will be overwritten with the new options' values.
When starting up the Diagrams application will try to load settings from two different store files.
The application will look for a store with appropriate file name in the folders pointed by %PDMSDFLTS% and their subfolder Diagrams in order of appearance. If a store file is found, its location will be saved so when options is changed by the user it will be saved in the same location. If no store file is found the default options values will be loaded.
The application will also look for an admin settings store in the %<PROJ>DFLTS%/Diagrams/ folder. If an admin settings store file is found its content will be merged with the user settings in such a way that the Admin Settings with read only attribute set to True will override the values stored in the User Settings. Thus if the %<PROJ>DFLTS%/Diagrams/ location is write protected for user accounts it achieves administrative read only settings on a per-setting level.
The name of the store file is composed of DiagramsSettings and a version number. The extension of the file is xml.
DiagramsAttributePresentation.xml contains information about Attribute Presentation section of Diagrams Options. By default the file is located in the installation directory and the Diagrams application reads it from there.
After that is done, the Diagrams application uses settings for Attribute Presentation from the above location and files from the installation directory are ignored.

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