User Guide
Getting Started
Optimising Project Performance and Storage Space
: Recommendations to Improve Performance of SaveWork
Recommendations to Improve Performance of SaveWork
Avoid having many pages in the same diagram. It is better to create separate diagram files. At the moment, all the pages in the diagram are being processed and saved as SVG files during SaveWork, this is the case even if the user has just modified one of the pages.
Avoid using heavy bitmaps or too detailed vector graphics in title block and backgrounds. You can experiment by removing some of these and measure the SaveWork performance to determine if you have an issue with this.
There is a setting to control whether SVG files should always be created, or only when the drawing contains anything released to 3D. If this setting is used, it is possible to get better performance when initially working with the drawing. After it has been released to 3D, there will then be a performance degradation as the SVG files starts getting created. Please note that once SVG files starts generating, you cannot turn it off again, so this setting has to be applied from the start of a new diagram drawing.
During savework, there is intense file storage activity with Visio and SVG files. For this reason it is recommended that the IT infrastructure such as network and file server disk performance where the files reside (xxxDIA) is optimized.
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